Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Great idea guys- I love being able to keep up with family news!! Congratulations Trent on your new job! Hopefully the rest of your police career will be better than the first day :)

We are doing great here in W. Jordan, enjoying our two boys and very excited for baby girl to come in March. We try to keep ourselves busy.... the deck is almost done (as in it should be 100% done if the weather cooperates tomorrow), the roof is getting winterized, the garden is torn out and bulbs planted. The kids are so excited for trick-or-treating tonight-- they are baseball players this year: Cadester and the Brennanator. I'll post a pic when I have one.

Well, that's the news from this branch of the family.
Love you all,
Angela (Michael)


MommaM said...

Angela, I had no idea that you were pregnant! Congratulations.

Andrea Hardman said...

Yea, Congrats! How exciting. Little girls are so fun to shop for! Talk to you soon.

Heidi L Barber said...

Congratulations! On all accounts. Sounds like you are all ready for winter. Post us some pictures and show us how cute those little munchkins were.